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Special Issues

ICMS has edited the following Special Issues in prestige journals:



Guest editors



International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics

Shuaian Wang, Kjetil Fagerholt, Dongping Song

Maritime transportation: Innovative models and algorithm

IFSPA 2017

Transport Policy

Theo Notteboom, Dong Yang, and Liping Jiang

Innovative solutions for shipping market Turmoil

IFSPA 2017

Maritime Business Review, 3(1) [2018]

Kelvin Pang, John Dinwoodie, and Young-Joon Seo

Maritime business logistics

IFSPA 2017

Maritime Business Review, 3(2) [2018]

Emrah Bulut, Okan Duru, and T.L. Yip

Shipping business strategy and risk management

IAME 2017

International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 10 (5/6) [2018]

Okan Duru, Chin-Shan Lu, and Michele Acciaro

Liner shipping and terminal operations

IAME 2016

Maritime Policy and Management, 45(1) [2018]

Chin-Shan Lu, Wen-Kai Kevin Hsu, and T.L. Yip

Maritime challenges and opportunities embracing Belt and Road

LMS on OBOR 2016

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 110 [2018]

Chin-Shan Lu, C.C. Yang, and T.L. Yip

Shipping and port policy

IFSPA 2015

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 58 [2018]

T.L. Yip, and Jane J. Haider

Sustainable transport logistics

IFSPA 2015

Journal of Air Transport Management, 64, Part B [2017]

T.L. Yip, Zheng Lei, and John F. O’Connell

Business model innovation in air transport management

IFSPA 2015

International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 9(3) [2017]

Ana C. P. Casaca, T.L. Yip, Paul T.W. Lee, and A.M. Goulielmos

Short sea shipping in a globalised world

ALRT 2015

International Journal of Logistics Management, 27(2) [2016]

Ted T.C. Lirn, Chin-Shan Lu, and T.L. Yip

Creating superior transport logistics services in supply chains

IFSPA 2014

International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 8(4) [2016]

Chin-Shan Lu, T.L. Yip, K.C. Shang, and C.C. Yang

Towards efficient and high-quality shipping management

IFSPA 2014

Maritime Policy and Management, 41(3) [2014]

Adolf K. Y. Ng, Paul T.W. Lee, Xiaowen Fu, and Kamonchanok Sutiwarnarueput

Maritime development and economic growth

IFSPA 2013


The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 30(3) [2014]

T. L. Yip

Sustainability in shipping and logistics

ICASL 2013

Maritime Policy and Management, 40(5) [2013]

Meifeng Luo, and T. L. Yip

Port and the environment

IFSPA 2012

Research in Transportation Economics, 3591) [2012]

Adolf K.Y. Ng, and James J. Wang

Transport development in China

IFSPA 2010

The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 27(2) [2011]

T.L. Yip, and Wayne T. Talley

Shipping and logistics in the post crisis era


Research in Transportation Economics, 27(1) [2010]

Adolf K.Y. Ng, and John J. Liu

The port and maritime industries in the post-2008 world: Challenges and opportunities

IFSPA 2009

Transport Policy, 16(5) [2009]

Adolf K.Y. Ng, and Xiaowen Fu

The International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA): Background, objectives and special issue

IFSPA 2008